About MythTickle

Welcome to the MythTickle plane of 'reality', where eclectically charming deities and legendary creatures try to get along and hopefully bring some comfort to the world, whatever you may believe in. There's good ol' Boody the dragon, the ultimate upbeat innocent and Sir Dudley, the cynical Scots knight who disdains him for being his best friend. There's Dziva, African creatrix and goddess of life; Anansi, the trickster spider god; Thor, the surly son of Asgard; and of course Karma quick to rage, quick to joy, and obsessed with balance. Displaced in time and place, they and many others learn from Ms. Nature, patient teacher of this unruly horde. Loki, take your seat. Shiva, go stand outside. Anubis, don't throw the erasers, and everyone mind the holy bees! You never know who you'll meet in Mythtickle.

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