I’ve wondered if the name Taggart comes from Atlas Shrugged whose female protagonist is Dagny Taggart. Her brother, James Taggart president of Taggart Transcontinental RR. He is the corrupt villain whose main purpose in life seems to be to destroy all the good in the world. (Yes, I confess, I briefly came under the influence of Ayn Rand and Objectivism when I was in HS. Fortunately, it didn’t take long to see that she encouraged independent thinking only when everybody agreed with her every opinion.)
Back in the old days, one could put a classified ad in the “personals” section of the newspaper saying something like: “The BCN Comment section is seriously worried about a commenter known as @TampaFanatic. Anyone with information please contact me @…”
No matter what happens to soap villains, they manage to return! Even if they’ve been declared not only merely dead but really most sincerely dead, their clone or twin will appear. (Or that they paid the coroner to declare them most sincerely dead and then help smuggle them onto a private jet for a country without an extradition treaty.) The only exception is when the actor playing the part of the villain shuffles off this mortal coil in real life. Then the villain will have cosmetic surgery and come back with a new face and voice.
I’ve wondered if the name Taggart comes from Atlas Shrugged whose female protagonist is Dagny Taggart. Her brother, James Taggart president of Taggart Transcontinental RR. He is the corrupt villain whose main purpose in life seems to be to destroy all the good in the world. (Yes, I confess, I briefly came under the influence of Ayn Rand and Objectivism when I was in HS. Fortunately, it didn’t take long to see that she encouraged independent thinking only when everybody agreed with her every opinion.)