First “Pooch Cafe,” then “The Knight Life,” now “Rubes”?!? Are mimes taking over? Actually, considering the country I am currently living in, maybe that is not such a bad idea….
When we grew bored at stoplights, et cetera, my ex and I would play a zombie apocalypse game. Using our immediate surroundings, we would make a game-plan for if the zombie’s were attacking us JUST THEN!
Love the videos of dogs & cats using these, but I cannot recommend using them with kids in the house! The family I nanny for tried it and the kids just recorded themselves saying ‘funny’ things and having who can scream the loudest competitions.
A great way to differentiate bears is to climb a tree. If it is a black bear, it will climb up after you. Brown bears will just shake the tree until either you fall, or the tree does. Only problem is there are not many trees to climb out on the Alaskan Tundra. So I suppose you’ll just have to assume its a polar bear when the trees are sparse: ;D
I am trying to be hopeful, thinking “we survived it once before…” but it is just so depressing. I cannot help but to feel we are regressing, not just as a nation, but the whole world too seems to be leaping and bounding backwards in ways that terrify me. I hope to be wrong though.
First “Pooch Cafe,” then “The Knight Life,” now “Rubes”?!? Are mimes taking over? Actually, considering the country I am currently living in, maybe that is not such a bad idea….