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  1. about 11 hours ago on Prickly City

    An interesting thing (to me) is that it appears that Trump is not appointing anybody who was in his previous cabinet…

  2. about 11 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    Like I said, you’re making a mountain out of a molehill. She has no more power than you give her.

  3. about 11 hours ago on WuMo

    Worst one I found (I think on YouTube) showed a guy wiring both the hot and neutral wires to the two terminals of a snap switch… his logic was “two wires for two terminals”… the video didn’t show what happened when he turned on the breaker and closed the switch…

  4. about 11 hours ago on The Born Loser

    I know how that was – I was on salary for most jobs (meaning, the company could work you 24/7 without paying extra – and it did). Had a few jobs that were paid hourly, but those bosses were always trying to get extra hours from you without additional compensation. One even told me to take work home, and then didn’t want to pay for those hours because I wasn’t at the office…

  5. about 17 hours ago on WuMo

    Could be that the influencer is a poser with no experience doing what he or she posts… but the influenced lacks any common sense…

  6. about 17 hours ago on WuMo

    Yep. When I was teaching apprentice electricians I tried to warn them about those videos… a few times I would show one in class, then spend time explaining what was bad about it…

  7. about 18 hours ago on Speed Bump

    It’s Musk, showing off how high he can jump…

  8. about 18 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    I have a former friend who is only one month younger than me, but to look at and hear him you’d think he was at least twenty years older than me. Some of the aging difference is genetics, but a lot of it seems to be due to his attitude. His attitude is why a call him a “former” friend now.

    We got along great at first. Then Obama first ran for President, and suddenly that friend became very racist and self-righteous. He started watching Fox News instead of the local news, he joined the Tea Party, and he started reading alt-right websites. He got mad at me when, instead of embracing his alt-righteousness as he expected, I challenged his viewpoints. We had a small business partnership that he broke off because I wasn’t willing to join his cult. Since then he has become MAGA, and calls me “the enemy from within” because I eschew his cultism.

    Back when we were in our 50s he started dressing like his Dad – who was well into his 70s. It was funny one night when a bunch of us went out to dinner, and the waiter handed him the check because he looked like the patriarch of our group – he was the youngest. Now he is having old-age problems at a much higher level then me… again, could be genetics… but I believe that his decades of hating the world and plotting “revenge” is hurting him more…

  9. about 18 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    and for some, growing up is impossible…

  10. about 18 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    LOL, why are you so hateful on that kid? Of course some of her views and announcements aren’t fully practical – she’s just a kid. She would just be another voice in a very large anonymous crowd if people like you didn’t get so upset that she tries to speak her message.