OR you could donate cash to one of those causes, Lu instead of buying a pair of overpriced ripped jeans for yourself.
I mean, ”Everybody doesn’t like something, but NOBODY hates cash.” ;-)
Well guess what?
That insurance company quietly and diplomatically walked away from implementing that disgusting program.
Wonder why? ;-)
Good question……,
You could have put that 600 bucks into Your clunker of a car, Brad.
With the all insanity surrounding Healthcare these days, I’d KEEP My kidneys if I were You, Lu.
Sadly, Brad never learned one of life’s most important lessons: NEVER take advice from Old Smiley.
Good for Luann.
Now, is she going to give her car to the kidney foundation?
Hey, I’ve done that before.
It’s easy, and it’s for a good cause.
I’m sorry.
But I keep thinking about what happened to Sonny Bono here…….,
Luann IS going all “Howard Hughes,” here…….,
Okay, Lu.
Are you being serious, or just trying to “show-off” for Phillip?
And he’s right. Mrs Horner NEVER accept one of YOUR Kidneys.
Mrs H would probably argue something like: “I’ve lived a rich, full life. You have yours yet to live, dear.”
And I have the sneaking suspicion that the feisty Mrs Horner just might be eyeing Phil for herself. ;-)
OR you could donate cash to one of those causes, Lu instead of buying a pair of overpriced ripped jeans for yourself.
I mean, ”Everybody doesn’t like something, but NOBODY hates cash.” ;-)