Просто сказать что я дурак. Век живи, век учи. Будте добры!
G’night Wallace, G’night Owl. G’night Crazy Llama, out on the prowl.
They hang upside down?
That is one deeply engrossed book club.
At least they didn’t make it in the mailbox.
I bet we could walk around EVERYONE’s house and ask ourselves, “Why did they keep THAT old thing?”
I know you would at mine.
Never get in a fistfight with your lawyer. Trump Rule #1.
Yep. That’s the entire premise of the comic. You new here? Enjoy!
Good. I’ll be able to sleep tonight, knowing he’s safe.
Apparently this isn’t the first time either. I guess we can chalk it up to another Christmas Miracle!
Well, considering that the only way to cap such a thing is to tax them back to reality I doubt we’ll ever see it. At least, not until the pitchforks come out.
G’night Wallace, G’night Owl. G’night Crazy Llama, out on the prowl.